Animations case study
Animations case study

Slide To Pay Animations

Personal Development
1 hr

When I was younger, I used to use my dads camcorder to make stop motion animations for intro parts for our skateboard videos. Nowadays, I still enjoy creating animations. I mostly create my animations in Figma.

My Approach

When creating animations for digital products, we’re also mindful about accessibility constraints. Things we need to be aware of are:

  • Allow users to pause, stop, or hide any content that moves, flashes, or scrolls, as well as those that start or update automatically or that last longer than five seconds and is presented in parallel with other content

  • Avoid intermittent animations that flash more than three times per second as they could trigger seizures

  • Is the animation solely visual or is it conveying important information for the user to complete their task?

This animation never made it to production. However, this became inspiration for our smaller design team to not only learn how to animate graphics but how we can start the conversation and establish design patterns that the greater design team at Scotiabank can align on.

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